A naturist, proud when folk viewed her chest.
But on the shores of Lough Swilly,
She declared ’twas too chilly,
(As those who stroll there in the nude attest)
Yet another unsuccessful Drivetime competition entry - this time to compose a Limerick based on the first line above but with an Irish theme
How do you know it was unsuccessful? Have they announced the winner yet (where)? Maria
Hi Maria, Yes, Mary Wilson announced it on Tuesday's show. All I can remember is that it was better than most of the recent winners of their competition!
It was a really crap first line to have to work with, some lines I come up with have many avenues, this one proved to be a dead end for me. I could not do it at all
Yes, the problem was that the stress on Budapest is on the first syllable, which, to do a proper limerick, means the other 2 lines have to rhyme with the whole word.
However, most people - including the eventual winner - simply rhymed with Pest.
Sorry for being so anorakky!
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