Sunday, August 5, 2007


It’s always done with too much haste,
You wrap the towel around your waist,
And gaze around, as if to say,
“Don’t bother watching me today.”

But all the other people glance
As you attempt to change your pants.

No matter how much care you take,
You always make the same mistake.
Your towel cannot be too loose
[For obviously that’s no use]
But neither can it be too tight,
For, though you try with all your might,
Your hand just does not have the space
To pull your pants down out of place.

And all the other people glance
As you attempt to change your pants.

And so you’ve always aggravation
Performing this strange operation.
No matter what you do, you’ll find
You’ll always show off your behind,
And on the beach, both far and wide
They’ll snigger at your white backside.

How great is your inelegance
As you attempt to change your pants?

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